b0f3919d3ce8417b8f133eb2844f5997Custom Solutions

From single doctor practices to ACOs, we can help you provide better care to your patients, increase revenue, improve efficiency, and increase productivity.

 We Are Experts On MACRA/MIPS


Be Prepared for the Future

With all the changes happening in the healthcare industry, especially the transition to value-based medicine, it is extremely important to stay ahead of the curve. In order to maximize revenue make sure you are in the best possible position when these mandates go into affect.





Strategic Healthcare Design

Every practice is unique and so are our solutions. Our consultants will do a deep analysis of your practice before any recommendations are made.

 Putting You On the Path to Success



Cutting Edge Technology and Services

Paramount Healthcare Consultants is your go-to source for modern healthcare advice. The healthcare industry is changing whether you like it or not. Make sure you’re on the right side of history.



 Contact Us


Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with?

Having trouble making sense of MACRA?

Contact us today so that we can help you get on track!